Canvas analytics and assessment data week nine fall 2021
The number of courses and instructors dropped slightly in week nine. This is thought to be due in part to a change in the number of half-term ACE courses. Some of the loss in the number of students may be due to withdrawals from courses post-midterm.
In the wake of midterms, page views dropped significantly on the Instructure Canvas platform.
The drop in page views, which serves as a proxy for platform engagement, may not be unusual in the week after midterm. Page view data has not been available to the institution in the past, there is no prior data against which to compare this data.
The score intervals do not correspond exactly to grades. The numbers are class upper limits and scores up to and including the limit are displayed in that interval. Scores are dominated by scores between 91 and 100. Note that in the current scores export there are scores above 100 due to extra credit being offered in some courses. Those scores are included in the column labeled 100.
The grade distribution suggests some bimodality: the most frequently obtained grade is an A, the second most frequent grade is an F.
All of the dashboards were updated for this week and remain available online at the links previously provided in earlier reports. The update process involves updating only a single table that then feeds all of the different dashboards - the process is simple and fairly quick. This week this report shares only the general education outcomes dashboard. The dashboards display overall averages on a five point scale.
Week one: assessment available at sunrise on a new term
Week two: SIS disaggregation and a deep dive into mapping decisions
Week three: SIS disaggregation and another dive into mapping complexities
Week four: a focus on subaccounts and campuses
Week five: pivot of state of origin versus gender
Week six: dashboards can be focused
Attendance versus performance in statistics
Week seven: outcome performance at the course level and other dashboards
Week eight: update at midterm
Week nine: a look at score and grade distributions
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