Canvas analytics and assessment data week three fall 2021

Week three saw a small uptick in the number of students on the Instructure Canvas platform along with increases in the number of discussions, files uploaded, and media recordings. The number of assignments on the platform fell slightly. 

Platform engagement was strongest on Monday for a second week in a row. Engagement may be expected to drop after the initial weeks as faculty have materials set in place and students become more efficient at navigation on the platform. Page views includes all users systemwide on the Canvas platform.

[Click on images to enlarge them]

The learning outcomes dashboard reports on 1,129 assessments with numeric rating scales in 12 courses to date. 

1,262 assessments have occurred including rubrics where the numeric values were removed. 

Campus level data is also available due to subaccount structures in Canvas reflecting those used in the SIS. This is another capability not present in Schoology and is not easily available on aggregate from Nuventive TracDat. 

The following tables are for the author's courses only. 

To date there have been 1,087 evaluations with an overall average of 4.03 on the five point scale. 

Gender based performance differences are small and not likely to be significant.

There are differences in performance by major. The sample set remains biased by large number of DDFT students in the HCOP major and in the above data set. 

Systemwide there are differences in learning performance by state of origin. This is not campus data - the SIS only reports state of origin to an instructor. 

The age bands run 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, and so forth. Small sample sizes in the 40 and 50 year old age bands for students means that the averages are not statistically meaningful. Interpreting this particular table is complex, but some of the stronger performance seen in the lowest age band is being driven by strong performances by DDFT students in the statistics class. A deeper dive into the major versus age shows this, but that table starts to provide potentially individually identifiable data and was not included here. Due to this underlying bias, the data cannot be extrapolated upon. That said, the above are examples of the disaggregations that are possible using Canvas + Data Studio dashboards approach.


Outcome ED 304.1 is new in the pSLOs and iSLOs dashboard. Mapping of this course level outcome is not specified in the outline - again only the specific learning outcomes are mapped.

The outline references PSLO 1 above, which is listed as:

The current catalog, however, only includes this outcome in a single place, as outcome number two of the pre-teacher preparation program:

The outline format is confusing because the outline format does not name the program and the numbering is not consistent with the actual sequence listed elsewhere. As noted before, a simplified outline format that maps each course learning outcomes to a single named program learning outcome is part of the recommendations to make clear how course level outcomes aggregate to program learning outcomes. In the dashboards the above program learning outcome is encoded as edptp2, which can be seen on the earlier pSLOs dashboard. 


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