Canvas analytics and assessment data week seven fall 2021

The pattern and number of page views remained relatively constant from week six into week seven, with an uptick on Thursday and Friday. The cause of the increased engagement towards the end of the week is unknown, but perhaps next week being midterm has led to increased engagement with the Instructure Canvas platform. 

Another way to look at the increased engagement for the days in week seven is to look at the average page views per day for weeks one to six. As courses became set up, the average page views stabilized around 7154 page views per day in weeks four, five, and six. This average climbed to 8085 in week seven. 

One additional course came online in Canvas during week seven.

To date the general education learning outcomes have been assessed 2391 times for 153 students in courses on Canvas. The scale is a five point scale. Dashboards such as this are made possible by the structured, hierarchical mapping of each course learning outcome to a single program learning outcome as outlined in an earlier article on grey goo.

A question came in this week asking to see performance at the course level. As with the other dashboards, this one also utilizes a five point scale to convey performance information. The choice of a five point scale is based on the underlying rating scales for the course level learning outcomes and was explained in an earlier article on rating scales. Note that the above dashboard does not provide information on the underlying sample sizes.

Another question that arose was whether there are performance differences by student's state of origin for online versus residential courses. This sort of ad hoc question cannot be answered by current assessment systems, Canvas gives the college real time insight into questions as they arise. 

Note the vertical scale starts at an outcomes performance score of three. The author has access to the student information system only for his own course, thus this dashboard only includes the author's own courses. Broadly one can see that learning in residential courses outperforms learning in online courses for all states except Kosrae. Note that sample sizes are small under this data, this dashboard is intended primarily to hint at the capabilities inherent in using Canvas plus business intelligence tools to provide real time assessment data. That said, the weak performance of Chuuk state in the author's online courses suggests an area of concern. Canvas + BI provides the potential to provide insight into learning trends during a term, while there is still time to proactively respond to areas of concern. 

Average performance on learning outcomes being rated on a numeric rating scale has been improving since mid-September.



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