Canvas analytics and assessment data week four fall 2021
One of the many capabilities of Instructure Canvas is the ability to look at data by subaccounts. In Canvas each campus is a subaccount. Analytics and outcomes reports can both be disaggregated by campus using the subaccounts.
Systemwide the overall category numbers week-on-week tend to be stabilizing for courses, instructors, and students. This is to be expected by fourth week. Assignments, discussions, files, and media recordings all show appropriate levels of growth.
Page views dropped again this week. This is thought to be a natural result of faculty now having materials in place and students navigating with increasing efficiency on the platform. Both would have the effect of reducing the page views on the platform without representing a drop in engagement.Click on image to enlarge
The learning outcomes dashboard can also display information by subaccount. Learning outcomes in rubrics are marked on a five point scale:
5 Optimal performance of an outcome
4 Sufficient performance of an outcome
3 Suboptimal performance of an outcome
0 No evidence of performance of an outcome
Quiz and test questions can also be linked to learning outcomes via question banks. Performance on these is rescaled to a five point scale. Hence the references in the dashboard to a "Pentascale." Averages above four can be considered to imply sufficient demonstration of a learning outcome. Values between three and four would suggest some degree of suboptimal performance. Below the subaccounts table are averages for each institutional learning outcome, both the proposed set of five and the extant set of eight institutional learning outcomes.
The dashboard is interactive and disaggregation by individual subaccount/campus can be done to explore the data.
Thus performance differences by campus on the institutional learning outcomes can be explored.
The moderately complex dashboard above permits exploration by course, course learning outcome, program learning outcome, institutional learning outcome, assessment type, and campus. This explorable, interactive data dashboard would enable and support faculty dialogs on learning originally envisioned by the accreditation standards back in 2001. Results would also inform annual program reviews and quadrennial program assessments.
For faculty: How to add course learning outcomes from the institutional bank of course learning outcomes in order for learning outcomes data to be reported to the institutional dashboard:
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