Moodle short answer with multiple correct answers only displays the first correct answer
The first correct answer happens to be kartop, the name of the plant in one of the local languages.
In the above image the student has answered correctly for their language, and they were awarded full credit. The question behaved properly. All questions, whether correct or not, display the first correct answer as seen above, upon submission of the quiz or test. Learning is facilitated by immediacy of feedback, in this course tests display correct answers upon submission.
The result of displaying the first correct answer, in this case kartop, causes confusion for both students who answered correctly and those who answered incorrectly. In the above case the student might not notice that they were awarded full credit for their correct Kosraean answer.
In the above image the student has answered incorrectly in any language in Micronesia, but the correction is not correct for languages other than one island group and will lead to confusion for a student who knows that kartop is not a word in their own language.
This was not an issue in Canvas because Canvas displayed all of the correct answers in response to an incorrect answer.
The only workaround that makes any sense is to replace the first response with something generic such as the scientific name of the plant and then explain to the students that short answer questions will not display the list of local names accepted as answers.
Multiple choice would not be a useful alternative as the answer options list would be very long in order to handle up to 17 local names and enough incorrect names to ensure students were not picking the name that was obviously in their own language. Image matching would have a similar issue. For a set of three plants the matching drop-down list could exceed 45 items to include names for all three plants in all of the islands. The one other workaround would be to use manually marked essay questions and mark these questions manually.
While exploring the above issue an additional pain point emerged. In Canvas one can "Message students who have not yet submitted" from a drop down list in the gradebook.
One can generate a report of users who have not yet attempted the quiz.
Once that list is generated, however, there is no way to message those students from within Moodle to remind them to complete the quiz or test. The only option is to download the table as a CSV file, open that file in other software, copy out the email addresses, and then email the students with an email package. This still does not message students in Moodle. Puzzling that a package as mature as Moodle would not have a more direct way for the instructor to remind students of missing work.
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