iPad survey

An anonymous voluntary convenience sample of faculty were surveyed on their use of college supplied iPad tablets. The link to the survey was sent to faculty on the CTEC, Chuuk, Kosrae, National, and Yap campuses. Systemwide there are on the order of one hundred faculty members including part-time instructors. Part-time instructors would not have received an iPad but might have received the link to the survey. 

Just over 80% of the respondents are making use of their iPad tablets. Note that respondents who said "No" to this question were branched to a "Why not?" section. 

Of those who are using their iPad, almost two-thirds are making daily use of their iPad.

On a scale from very useless to very useful with a three being a neutral midpoint, three-quarters of those who are using an iPad responded above a three. 

Respondents who are using an iPad were asked open questions to get a more detailed view of iPad usage. To avoid interpretation, the raw answers for these sections are provided below.

What was your intended purpose or use for the iPad in the classroom when it was originally provided?

to be able to link to Smart 
use to immediate give visual on the parts or electronics circuits.
Intended to use Canvas
Instructional displaying purposes; online meetings.
I intended it to use for my e-book and instructor resources that the textbook publishers provide
power point, mirror with the smart board 
Class presentation
I wasn't sure how to use it.
Course materials mirroring to the smart board 
As a support during lecture.
not yet familiar with connecting to smart board
For instructions. Connecting it to the Smartboard.
accessing Canvas, checking assignments, sending email, interact with students, etc.
portability, lessens the need for paper, camera projection, drawing, math manipulative,  canvas, zoom conferencing etc
working out solutions with stylus when teaching remotely.
I just received the IPAD last week.
Additional support or tool for online learning.  More convenient to access COM homepage, Canvas and gmail.
Connect to smart board  for lecture, open Canvas in class, assist/advise students.
Use to write uncommon symbols.
Not used. No WiFi in the classroom.
To record lectures on given objectives for my both online and face-to-face students!
To check my work when am not using my desktop 
showing informational videos while outside of the classroom.
To provide precise differentiation for student academic performance and scaffold students through visuals, text, or other media...
To use it for my classes.
easy access to canvass and useful to share materials from ipad to smartboard. it is also useful in the hospital when students need to look up the use of the medication they are giving to their patient...for quick reference, IPAD is beyond useful. 
I used it for instruction using the smart board mirroring my lecture.

How are you now using your iPad? List all uses if there is more than one. 

checking email, checking students submitted assignments, contacting students, and grading.
Instruction, communication and making of visual aids
Grading mostly, replying to students messages within Canvas.
Online meetings with students, committees, working groups, and displaying instructional materials via mirror imaging or sharing with students.
Same intended purposes, but I also use it for documentation purposes and for student interactions
preparing daily lessons
Checking emails
Accessing Canvas.
grading and messaging and course materials 
Canvas , gmail etc.
not yet familiar with connecting to smart board
Checking the Canvas. Instructional. Wireless connection to Smartboard.
For Canvas, Cengage, student feedback, student interaction, documentation, class presentation, zoom,
camera projection, playing videos, drawing apps, writing apps, math manipulative, video or voice recorder, Easy access in Canvas LMS, zoom and google apps and many more.
mostly in my delivery of IS280 Intro to Networking, IS230 Database Design, and MS150 Stats
Our IT just gave us a brief training on how to use but for me, I need to learn and get much more familiar. 
Grading, replying to students inside Canvas
I downloaded Canvas Instructure and I am able to comment and grade all assignments using the iPad.  I have my google drive available on the iPad and very convenient to access files and other documents.  
Classroom instructions, open Canvas in class, open student's account for advising
checking emails at home.
Recording lectures by faculty and essay teaching and oral reading summaries by students are the two popular ones currently
Checking work on Canvas 
Using it to check on emails/canvas inbox while outside of class/ Finding videos for visual learning in class
The built-in content creation apps on iPad is very useful in a way that helps me with what is needed for the course.
When doing my presentations, checking emails constantly when in class and not in the office, using it for registration.
We can use it in the nursing laboratory when the students are using a "concept map" in their critical thinking skills activities. 
I just used it for my lecture presentation in the class as needed for the lesson being presented.

What apps do you use on your iPad? Please list all apps that you regularly use on your iPad - the college is trying to gain a holistic overview of how the iPads are being used. List work related, recreational/leisure, and social/emotional support apps that you use on the iPad.

This section sought to understand what apps faculty are using on their iPads with a view to understanding the tech support that faculty might need.

Canvas, Libby
canvas, gmail, safari, mirror, and cengage
Canvas, Google suits, Zoom and Canva
Canvas, Google Workspace, Messenger, Amazon, Facebook, Scrabble, Yoga
Cengage, Canvas
power point, mirror, zoom, word, excel, 
Browser (Safari)
Canvas Instructor, youtube, Google related docs, drive, etc.
Canvas, gmail etc.
Smart Mirror
Canvas, Cengage, Zoom, Smart Mirror, Facebook, Gmail, Google drive, Canva, etc.
Work related= Canvas LMS, gmail, google drive, camera, media player, Cengage MindTap LMS, google docs, google sheets, drawing app, notes app, zoom app, playing videos, camscanner app, etc.
Recreational = playing music and videos
Canvas, Notes
Notepad, CANVAS, Google sheet, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides as far as I can remember. Again, when we have so much choices, we need to fully understand how to use it. I guess through repeated practice, I will eventually get the hang of it. 
Canvas, Google drive and google docs, messenger to access group chats. Canva to develop presentations.
Youtube videos
Google, fb, ig, etc.
youtube, facebook, google
Mostly work related apps like videotaping, interviews, and power-point presentations apps!
Mostly Zoom and Youtube
Mail, Books, YouTube, Weather, Reminders...
Reading apps, you tube, messenger, FB
Drive, sheets, canvass, smart mirror, pdf files, good notes, books, free form. pages, numbers, gmail, post it, word document, you tube, clips, drug handbook etc...
pdf files, PowerPoint, video mirroring…

What do you want to learn how to do on your iPad?

make the mirror app work to link to smartboard
Lumio (by Smart)
Tips on navigating with effeciency.
I have been a user of ipad for a long time already so I don't need to learn anything anymore
power point and zoom
Edit videos.
Alright for now but open to learn other productive functions I might not be aware of.
Nothing for now
connecting to smart board
As of now I am good.
Apps that are very useful and also best strategies in using ipad in teaching.
Teaching strategies to respond to the varieties of student learning styles. 
SMART Notebook app
How to. make movies using videos or photos from observation classes or school site visits using iMovie.
I only need it for basic use, mainly classroom instructions through the smart board.
Usage of the stylus
more uses
Canvas is good
Anything that supports my field of work
Anything that can be useful in making presentations/lectures more flexible  and convinient
I am ok
how to use it along with the smartboard in the classroom to share it with the students.
nothing at all…

Are you making use of your iPad? No. Why not? If you are willing to share, why aren't you using your iPad?

For faculty who are not using their iPad the survey branched them to this question.

I did not receive the IPad
There was a workshop right after I pad were distributed on an app that we can use to help share what we have on the ipad to smart board.We have slow or something no wifi connection at CTEC.  Our smart boards and Ipad are not connected to internet which defeat purpose of using ipad to smart boards. We can access our resources if our connection is speed enough to pick up or connect us to smart boards. Smart boards can not read or pick up some of the things that we have set up on ipad. 
I don't know how to use the ipad operating system and I am too lazy to get on YouTube to find out.  I am waiting to be force fed this information in a workshop.
still working on locking on at work
I’m utilizing the smart board in the classrooms.
I need and am already using an armored waterproof tablet that is more rugged, impact resistant, compact, and field portable. 

Do you have any other comments?

This question was asked of all respondents.

How do I set up a tutorial for Part Time Instructors for Canvas usage before each semester. How do I develop a online evaluation template for part time and full time instructors?
i want to install license MS office on the ipad.
All else fails when campus connectivity is weak (wifi); need option to connect via cable as a contingency.
Just wanna thank VPIA for this excellent provision.
Not really familiar with Mac OS...Need to learn more about the settings & the use of each apps. 
We like to have the share of what others faculty's are getting.
No. Happy to receive this iPad and again thanks to the VPIA office for the iPad. 
Thank you very much for the ipad and the support from the admin.
I wish we could have more licensed products acquired by the institution loaded on our office devices.
No more comments
I am glad I have the ipad and am sure that after I learn to use it I will be regretful I didn't learn sooner.
I will begin using it and see what I am able to do because right now I am still overwhelmed by the many apps that our IT has installed which I still need alot of practice on how to use.  
Using the Canvas Instructure on the iPad is more convenient than using on the laptop.  Every day I am getting more and more comfortable learning how to use the iPad for my courses.
It is now an essential part of my daily lecture. It's very useful and handy to carry to classroom.


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