Canvas analytics and assessment week fifteen spring 2022

Page views dropped slightly in week twelve due to the cultural day holiday on Thursday of week twelve and founding day on Friday of week twelve. Week thirteen saw a return of engagement on Instructure Canvas platform as measured by page views, but this recovery was more than offset by the week of spring break, week fourteen. Week fifteen again showed re-engagement by students with the platform, but not back to the levels seen in week eleven.

Page views per day spiked on the week twelve Wednesday ahead of the Thursday holiday that week. Although not as apparent in this chart, week fourteen exhibits a similar pattern. The strongest engagement was on Monday, the one day of the week on which classes were held. 

The Monday spike on the week of spring break is more evident in a relative frequency chart. 

For courses on Canvas using the institutional bank of course learning outcomes, there have been 9078 assessments made of student learning. Performance is at the sufficient level of performance. 

As a prototype demonstration of capability, the above dashboard displays learning performance against five proposed institutional learning outcomes by student information system variables. 

Exploration of platform capabilities has also provided dashboards such as one that can provide information to academic performance counseling services, displaying student performance in particular courses. 

Another prototype exploration of capabilities explored current score data in Canvas as disaggregated by student information system variables. For this limited data set there are no indications of significant current score performance differentials by gender or state of origin. Analysis of the differences in current score performance by age band is confounded by significant differences in underlying sample sizes. Performance by major suggests significant differences exist, but these differentials must be understood in the light of bias in the underlying sample set. The dashboard is intended only as a demonstration of capabilities. 

In all of the above dashboards the data is actual data representing current performance as of the end of  week fifteen. 


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