Faculty workshop for Instructure Canvas feedback 15 December

The faculty workshop for Instructure Canvas saw training delivered to 17 members of faculty. The following is a report on feedback from this session. Three sessions were delivered, each targeting a specific usage level for Canvas learning management system.

  • 09:00 Level one: residential offline use with no online component for support of purely residential courses
  • 10:00 Level two: blended online use and purely online use where the full features of Canvas are deployed
  • 1:00 Level three: institutional assessment using course learning outcomes from the institutional bank of course learning outcomes in rubrics attached to assignments submitted in Canvas

The 9:00 session morphed into the 10:00 session just after 10:00 as attendees in the first session asked questions that were covered in the second session. The session went until just after 12:00, the scheduled lunch break. The design was an overview of the session given using the slides and then hands on, one-on-one assistance in doing the things covered in the slides

The distribution of the evaluations received can be seen above.

In general, participants strongly agreed that the presentation was informative, the amount of time and coverage were sufficient, and the participants feel that they will be able to apply what they have learned.

Participants were asked to list two things they liked most about the sessions:
  • Learned how to access learning mastery the first time!
  • To the point.
  • Good support throughout the workshop 
  • Glad to attend the workshop, very informative, Thank you Dana.
  • How to start using Canvas, how to add modules
  • Engaged and organized
  • The time used for the session was greatly enough.
  • Using the platform for grading and importing materials from external sources
  • Linking the Course Learning Outcomes to Canvas via Rubrics
Participants were asked to list two recommendations for improvement:
  • Don't start at 9:00am. 
  • If the college is switching from schoology to Canvas in the future, I suggest faculty should try starting out with one course in spring.  
  • Grateful for everything that you shared.
  • I recommend the same workshop to the state campuses. 
  • Canvas training be done to students.
  • More training days. 
  • More time
  • The College needs to decide on ONE Learning Management System. Right now we have Canvas, Schoology, MyShark, and TracDat. That is too much and gets confusing. 
  • Can we have another session again, it will definitely help . Dana does an excellent job!
The hope is to be able to offer a follow-up session in the first week of January. 

Note that the issue of training students arose in the training session. My own experience was that students were able to navigate Canvas with little to no training or assistance. This came through in the student evaluations as well.

The students prefer Canvas to Schoology. Note that the horizontal axis is standard errors of the mean away from the overall mean for all questions in that section of the student evaluations. Students will need support, and IT has stepped up and put student technical support in place on each campus.


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