Ohigan in photos

Ohigan this term was the last scheduled class session for this term with the students cleaning up an ethnobotanical area. The last two clean-ups, of the banana patch and the ethnogarden behind the gym were dropped from the calendar to permit inclusion of iNaturalist in the curriculum. Given the increasing lack of skill with machetes, I am inclined to think this might be the last session with machetes. Perhaps time for the class to move on.

A Cyathea nigricans has sprouted through the middle of the rock pile. 

 The presence of Cyathea in the ethnogarden is a real plus for the class.

The Coffea behind me remains toppled over since last spring. Toppled but still alive. Unknown whether this is Coffea robusta or Coffea arabica, but I have long suspected this is more likely to be C. robusta. 

The mix of plants is increasingly complex and still mostly invasives. Clidemia hirta 

A lot of Allamanda
Paltiela on the right cleaning up with a machete

Spathoglottis plicata in the foreground, the tree on the left has both Asplenium nidus and Asplenium polyodon. 

Alpinia carolinensis

The view from the pineapple patch.


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