Mass in versus mass out

The pre-assessment indicated the lowest performance levels in four terms for interpreting numeric information presented graphically.

Coupled with the lack of a prefatory lecture-demonstration on momentum and kinetic energy concepts, I opted to simplify laboratory four down to a measurement of mass in versus mass out for marble collisions on a marble track. The data will be graphed and the slope found, reinforcing these skill sets.

Tracy sets up her marbles.

Massing a marble.

Mackleen and Elmirah set up their marbles.

Rockson masses marbles while Shane records the data. Michael is studying a dragon fly.

Risenta sets her marbles on the track.

The layout is simple, so is the lab. The hope is that allows the students to see more directly the connection between the data and the physical picture that the xy scattergraph represents.

Marson explains to Jane Rose and Tracy why he is certain that two data points are not valid measurements. He explains using the theory that mass in should be closely equal to mass out for these collisions of marbles of nearly equal mass. This is science. A group of researchers discussing their data, questioning their results, checking their data against their operational theory of what should be happening. Science not as a mountain of memorized facts but as an active process of exploration and testing. Marson is claiming he can show that the data must be false. Falsifiability - a core tenet of science and what part of what makes science a non-overlapping magisteria with its own epistemology for the criterion for truth.
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