
Laboratory twelve in SC 130 Physical Science focused on electricity.
The first part is simply "battery and bulbs," or, more accurately, a single cell, a wire, and a flashlight bulb. This term only a couple of students had prior exposure to this elsewhere more common early electrical science experience. Inevitably some students created a short circuit and a really hot wire. After some experimentation, Irving lit the bulb.
Another portion of laboratory twelve covers Ohm's law. Madlene observes an ammeter and voltmeter for a series circuit. The result of the gathered data will be an V = iR xy scattergraph where the linear regression has a slope of R.
Keicyleen and Erleen read the ammeter and voltmeter. For many students these simply and basic experiments are their first contact with electricity as a science. Each term, this term being no exception, there were students who expressed concern that they might receive an electrical shock from the equipment. Nothing in the lab, however, uses anything more powerful than two dry cells.
 Keicyleen records dagta while Madlene looks on.
In the second portion of the laboratory the students test materials for conductivity. The materials are the same materials that were tested for conductivity of heat in laboratory six. In the image above Krystal and Mae record data, Erleen looks on, and Irving tests the conductivity of glass.


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