
Showing posts from July, 2024

Optics reflection refraction

Optics in summer means presetting all gear for lecture and laboratory. The refraction tanks, apparent depth cylinders and beakers, meter sticks, hidden coin replete with a ceramic tile cover from the geology lab, laser, half rounds, mirror tiles, optics accessories bin, small tank. The small tank is now up with the optics gear. Set up is over 40 minutes on a 7:20 start - water has been going off regularly.  Two bins. Pennies and quarters. Later supplemented with Sacagaweas.  Still not super happy with reflection issues. A single front light and turning off the other lights appears to help. Maybe that helped? Blacked out the whiteboard just for good measure. An hour of fiddling around.  Used the small rectangular tank for total internal reflection and apparent depth. This was my new refraction demonstrator. By holding the laser fixed straight ahead and rotating the dish on the paper towel the

Spectra and color

Overlooked pulling a microscope to allow the scope to reach ambient temperature. Pulled the scope at 9:15, was fine for 11:30 section after the color vision videos.  Began the 9:30 session with the CD spectrograph boxes. The above is a Pixel 7 Pro rendering of the spectrum. Still lacks the smoothness of the color gradient that the human eye perceives. Exaggerates the cyan band relative to the human eye, dimishes the violet band. The students saw six colors which were recorded on the board. One student saw a color beyond red which they called maroon. Then The Limits of Light video was shown. At 11:30 I rolled the color playlist. The filters video can be removed. Jumped out of both Vsauce videos, one at the lemons can also make electricity. The second at we are all alone in our minds. Limited value to qualia in a summer term. After minus green I then showed the class the pixels on a Pixel 7 Pro. This now requires the use of the 10x lens. The 4x lens is no sufficie