Canvas analytics and assessment data week eighteen fall 2021

Finals wrapped up in week seventeen bringing the final page view tally to 48,787 for the last full week of the term on the Instructure Canvas platform systemwide. Week eighteen included only a single day of final examinations. Activity clearly peaked with the advent of final examinations. Page views are a metric that functions a proxy for engagement on the platform. The "slump" in engagement seen in weeks twelve and thirteen reflect, in part, the November holiday series. This term the holidays started in the eleventh week and continued into week fifteen. The recover in engagement seen in week sixteen is perhaps no coincidence: holidays negatively impact student engagement during the term. 

Daily use also saw a spike on Tuesday of week eighteen - a time when only faculty would have been working on final marking and grades. 

Use by day of the week tumbled after final examinations ended. Final examinations did produce a spike in engagement. 

Looked across the full term, all campuses, Monday saw the highest average per day number of page views. Saturday saw the least. This chart shows when tech resources are needed by the students. Saturday services are not a critical need. Sunday sees more demand on the platform than Saturday. There is also a distinct drop on Fridays.

Assignments would finish the term as the dominant academic product on the platform, followed by media recordings and discussions. This chart shows the tools for instruction that faculty tend to use on the platform. 

The above chart provides details on the actual numbers for various categories each week of the term.

The above is a snapshot from the Analytics dashboard at term end. The above numbers are systemwide values. Files is a catchall category and includes uploaded documents, images used on pages or in quizzes, portable document format files, and anything else that an instructor has uploaded to Canvas. 

The chart shows the number of instructors, courses, and students by subaccount in Canvas as of term end. Note that the student values are in "tens" - multiply the column value by ten to obtain the actual number of student seats in a given subaccount. Note that there are instructors in Yap using Canvas, but their courses are in the Online subaccount. 

At term end the grade distribution systemwide on the Canvas platform can be seen above. 


At term end systemwide assessment included 8567 records of which 7112 included rating scores. 


Course learning outcomes fall 2021
General education outcomes 2021.3
Course learning outcomes assessment fall 2021 dll sis
Pentascale average time series fall 2021
Learning outcome ratings on assignments only 2021.3
Spectacular dashboards: a cautionary tale


Week one: Assessment available at sunrise on a new term
Week two: SIS disaggregation and a deep dive into mapping decisions
Week three: SIS disaggregation and another dive into mapping complexities
Technologies available to students
Week four: A focus on subaccounts and campuses
Week five: Pivot of state of origin versus gender
Week six: Dashboards can be focused
Attendance versus performance in statistics
Week seven: Outcome performance at the course level and other dashboards
Week eight: Update at midterm
Week nine: A look at score and grade distributions
Week ten: Grey goo revisited
Week eleven: Update on the numbers
Week twelve: Page views collapse
Week thirteen: Holiday impact or disengagement?
Week fourteen: Some indications of reengagement
Week fifteen: A look at courses ranked by learning
Week sixteen: Engagement surge
Week seventeen: Numbers in the week in which classes ended


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