Instructure Canvas and Data Studio dashboard for instructional coordinators

The above is a prototype dashboard designed to provide instructional coordinators with insight in course performance both in terms of scores in a course and outcome performance using Instructure Canvas and Data Studio. 

The data driving the dashboard derives from two Canvas administrative reports that are available as CSV files, the Grade Export table and the Outcome Results table. These are then imported each into their own Google Sheet which are then connected to Google Data Studio.

The two tables are added to a blend as seen above. The join will be on the common fields of course id and section id. 

The section ids appear to be unique and the dashboard was originally built on only a section id join. Without documentation that section ids are unique values the dashboards were updated with a join on the course id as a precaution. This may not be necessary. The dashboards include the ability to drill down to sections, hence the need for a join at the section level. 

The college has six campuses which are set up as six subaccounts in Canvas. Each instructional coordinator is responsible for only the courses on their campus. The Grade Export, however, does not provide subaccount information. The college, however, has a section designation from which five of the six campuses can be inferred. A case function is used in a calculated field to return the campus from the section designation.

The need for the RIGHT_TEXT function is because of courses such as EN/CO Speech Communications which trips a Chuuk campus designation because of the "/C" in the course prefix. CTEC used to be Pohnpei campus and still retains the /P designator on sections.

The case function then allows a dashboard level filter to display only those courses and sections for which the instructional coordinator is responsible. 

A master dashboard provides access to all courses and sections systemwide for the Dean of Academic Programs. 

The dashboard provides scores and their distribution at the course and section level giving instructional coordinators insight into student performance in the courses on their campus. The outcomes column only has values if the instructor is using outcomes pulled from the institutional bank of course learning outcomes. The outcomes use a five point scale with the dashboard reporting the average for all course learning outcomes that have been measured in the course. This provides some insight into learning as measured by the course learning outcomes. Other dashboards provide a more detailed insight into performance on individual course learning outcomes.  

My ongoing thanks to Kansas State University who started me on this journey back in March 2021 via a series of assessment videos


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