
Showing posts from September, 2014

Healing plants

Healing plants presentations in SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany. The majority of the students are from the island of Pohnpei. Where a student is not from the island of Pohnpei the text below so notes. Kevina Berngun presents the use of Microsorum scolopendria, gob, in the treatment of a dog bite in Yap proper. The leaf is added to coconut oil and applied to the bite. The leaf is the unlobed frondlets of M. scolopendria, not the lobed frondlets. Four leaves are usually used. I have never myself been certain that the single frondlet form of M. scolopendria is actually M. scolopendria. Maylani Clarence presented the use of Scaevola taccada, remek, to prepare a tea for abdominal illnesses in women. The tea is supposed to be good for certain types of womb sickness, a tonic for cleansing the womb. Elson Elias covers the use of Piper ponapense, konok, for staunching bleeding. Andrea Ewarmai explains the use of the fruit of Morinda citrifolia (nen) to treat flu (maesenpiig) in the ou...


Pulleys! Laboratory five yield a solid linear relationship for each laboratory group and continues the theme that the mathematics remains the same, the systems change. The slope of volume versus mass is density. The slope of time versus distance is velocity. The slope of time²/2 versus distance for a falling object is the acceleration of gravity. The slope of velocity in versus velocity out for colliding marbles is the percent of velocity retained, which is linear for marbles on a ruler track. In this laboratory force to lift a load versus the load is also linear and is the actual mechanical advantage. All linear relationships, all generate slopes and intercepts and make predictions about the system. Marti Henry studies the data table for the laboratory As I often do, I referred the students back to the quote that launched laboratory one. For a physicist mathematics is not just a tool by means of which phenomena can be calculated, it is the main source of concepts and principl...

Gymnosperm, spice, and timber plants field trip

A field trip to the Pwunso botanic garden in Kolonia, Pohnpei, to view spice plants, timber trees, and gymnosperms. The class started by visiting the "millenium" tree, a Ficus prolixa planted in 2000 by then governor Del Pangalinan. The class went on to examine the clove trees Syzygium aromaticum and the Araucaria pine trees. Kevina and Judy Ligohr look up at the Cinnamomum verum. Ronda Kephas and Jake Manuel also study the cinnamon tree. The cycad, a gymnosperm, was bearing cones. Maylani Clarence looks up at a painted gum tree, Eucalyptus deglupta, also known as a rainbow gum or Mindanao gum tree. Eliza Sailas, Gary Totong can also be seen. Judy Ligohr waves a bottle in the background. Jake, Kevina Berngun, Melody Tulenkun, and Ruthy Phillip. Trickson Ladore, Kanio Torres, Judy Ligohr, and Rockson Salihk.

Primitive plants presentations

Primitive plant presentations A diagram of the cell types for cyanobacteria Elson Elias and Maylani Clarence cover the life cycle of mosses. Life cycle of a moss Andrea Ewarmai and Melody Tulenkun cover the difference between monilophytes and lycophytes. Lycopodiella cernua Judy Ligohr displays Lycopodiella cerna Gary Totong covers the morphology of Lycopodiella cernua including the microphylls, strobili, stems, and the adventitious roots which extend from the above ground running stems (stolons) into the soil. Trickson Ladore and Ronda Kephas cover the life cycle of Lycopodium cernuum. Arnold Panuelo and Katielyne Nianugmwar explain the odd life cycle of selaginella Selaginella life cycle detail presented by Katielyne Nianugmwar. Ruthy Phillip and Jennifer Panuelo cover the life cycle of a fern. Fern life cycle. Jennifer Panuelo. Shirley-Ann Rudolph begins a presentation on fern morphology. Jake Manuel covers Kosr...