
Showing posts from December, 2017

Assessing general education science program learning outcome 3.5

General education science program learning outcome 3.5 states that students will be able to: Perform experiments that use scientific methods as part of the inquiry process. This outcome serves institutional learning outcome eight quantitative reasoning where students will demonstrate the: Ability to reason and solve quantitative problems from a wide array of authentic contexts and everyday life situations; comprehends and can create sophisticated arguments supported by quantitative evidence and can clearly communicate those arguments in a variety of formats. Taken together, the assessment for program learning outcome 3.5 ought to provide evidence of an ability to create data supported documents that communicate results of experiments performed using scientific methods. In science classes with a laboratory component, laboratory reports provide documentation of students engaging in gathering data, analyzing data, and discussing results. The laboratory reports may also includ...

Assessing Learning in Ethnobotany

SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany  serves four program learning outcomes through three course level outcomes. The course serves learning outcomes in general education, the Micronesian studies program, and the Agriculture and Natural Resources program. PLO SC/SS 115 CLO GE 3.4 Define and explain scientific concepts, principles, and theories of a field of science. 1. Identify local plants, their reproductive strategies, and morphology. GE 4.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the cultural issues of a person’s own culture and other cultures. MSP 2 Demonstrate proficiency in the geographical, historical, and cultural literacy of the Micronesian region. 2. Communicate and describe the cultural use of local plants for healing, as food, as raw materials, and in traditional social contexts. ANR 2 Demonstrate basic competencies in the management of land resources and food production. 3. Demonstrate basic field work competencies related to management of culturally useful plant resources a...

Ethnobotany field final examination photos

Sandralynn in the lead, Vincent, Jade, Pelida, Darion, Johsper immediately behind. Terminalia catappa on the right. Pelida in the lead coming out of the first portion of the final Cinnamomum carolinense, Clayton on the left Kiyoe, Shanaleen, Lizleen, Harriet, Darien, Shane Shanaleen, Lizleen, Harriet, Darion Cyrtosperma merkusii infloresencence: a new section of campus for the final The last plants on the final. Kira to the left, May-me at center, and Lizleen by the Cocos nucifera Shane, Jade, and Vincent between Artocarpus altilis and Saccharum officinarum Sharisey Shanaleen and Harriet rewrite their field notes

Assessing Learning in Physical Science

SC 130 Physical Science proposes to serve two institutional learning outcomes (ILO) through four general education program learning outcomes (GE PLO) addressed by four course level student learning outcomes (CLO). This report assesses learning under the course level learning outcomes which in turn support program and institutional learning outcomes. ILO 8 . Quantitative Reasoning: ability to reason and solve quantitative problems from a wide array of authentic contexts and everyday life situations; comprehends and can create sophisticated arguments supported by quantitative evidence and can clearly communicate those arguments in a variety of formats. GE PLO SC 130 CLO 3.5 Perform experiments that use scientific methods as part of the inquiry process. 1. Explore physical science systems through experimentally based laboratories using scientific methodologies 3.4 Define and explain scientific concepts, principles, and theories of a field of science. 2. Define and...

Statistics course reactions

An end of term survey in MS 150 Statistics surveyed 25 students in areas such as their favorite and least favorite presentations, attitude towards statistics, textbook usage, activities that contributed to learning, and obstacles to learning. April presenting basic statistics The course included seven data exploration based presentations during the term. The first presentation occurs on zero knowledge the first week of class and asks the students to explore statistics surrounding M&M candies. The seven presentations were: Basic statistics: Mars and Murrie MMs Basic statistics plus charts: Heart rates, health, and the impact of exercise Regressions: Bouncing super balls and the correlation of bounce height to drop height Inferential statistics: FiboBelly ratios hypothesis test Open exploration requiring basic statistics: Round island Ekiden relay run Open exploration requiring regression for a paired data: Carbon dioxide versus temperature on Pohnpei Open exploration...