Clidemia hirta and sakau ceremony
The SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany class went on a search and destroy mission seeking out the dark curse, Clidemia hirta , deep in the forest across the road. Anthony points out a spreading patch of evil. Mary Ann. Barnson addes to a garbage bag held by LillyAnn. LillyAnn and Maylanda. When the class first sees a few small baby plants, they are initially convinced that their instructor has exaggerated the threat. When they encounter their first serious patch they suddenly comprehend the true threat that Clidemia presents. Dana with Clidemia hirta. Dana wraps up with a in-forest lecture. On Thursday 01 December 2011 the class held their sakau ceremony at Nihco marine park. This was the first term the ceremony followed the Clidemia hirta pull. This arrangement worked better, cementing the ceremony as the capstone, term wrap activity prior to the final. This arrangement is planned to be retained in future terms. Images of the ceremony were for the most part blurry...