The SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany course visited the home of Betwin Nicholas in Pehleng, Kitti, Pohnpei. There sakauen enilap was prepared. Sakau was first prepared for Nahnmadeu as Soumas en kousapw. A four cup nopwei was served. Pwel went to konot, second to Nahnowa, third to Lupein, and fourth - sahp - back to Konot. Note that all spellings are my own, my apologies for my misspellings. After nopwei Nahnowa greeted the titles present and welcomed the class. With these formalities out of the way Nahnowa asked what ceremony the class would like to observe. A decision was taken to present sakauen enilap as would be presented to the Nahnmwarki. A trunk of weipwul, Morinda citrifolia, was cut, brought, sharpened, and used to break the sakau root stock. When used in this manner the trunk is no longer referred to as weipwul but rather as kirikai. Each of the four strokes was done under the verbal command of the menindei. I could not catch the four command phrases. I have cryptic notes that sug...