Banana patch cleaning photoessay
The ethnobotany class cleaned up around the banana patch, part of the ethnogardens on the campus of the College of Micronesia-FSM. The banana patch includes a number of varieties of banana, some of which are still being identified. Jeanie Fritz A banana sword sucker Allison and Jeanie Dana Loryann Jeanie Junia Trisden Allison Jayson Jayson Stacy Junia Myreesha Michelle David Jayson Bananas by location. Locations have some accuracy issues, identifications are tentative at best. Some bananas and contributors are reversed! Banana Contributed by Latitude Longitude Karat Brenda Kerman N 006° 54.627' E 158° 09.330 Karat Roxann Moya N 006° 54.665' E 158° 09.326' Karat Melishner Manuel N 006° 54.666' E 158° 09.325' Unknown Karmi Soar N 006° 54.666' E 158° 09.327' Menihle Robinson Andonio N 006° 54.667' E 158° 09.327' Uhten lihli Renselyn Anson N 006° 54...