Meters per minute of longitude
Week seven began with a review of what proved to be a challenging quiz 054 064 . I then introduced the class to the operating features of the GPS units. Tuesday I selected a hide out behind maintenance. Intermittent rain had returned on trade wind disturbances, so I opted for an accessible hide. Mounds of dirt blocked direct lat/long access to my hide, or forced one to go over or around. There is a hole, a swale, behind the dirt hills, and I was able to hunker down under an umbrella in the long grass sufficiently that I could not be seen from the hill top. Coordinates of the hide. The students found me in eleven to twelve minutes, really rather quickly. I am wondering if I ought to lay in a two stage process with a relay coordinate out in the bush. That said, maintenance provided shelter from a passing rain shower and provided a place for me to run a question and answer on latitude and longitude. Gloria Dadius on the surveyor's wheel in the 8:00 section ...