National campus afternoon start time

Twenty-two have responded to the national campus afternoon start time survey as of the last day of classes.

Responses have come from both campuses.

The responses are running seven to three in favor of a return to the former afternoon schedule.

Both campuses favor a return to the former afternoon schedule for the national campus.

How effective is the current schedule?

  •     Not about the on clock or not schedule but a different topic. I had a 3pm class twice, and most of the time students had to go on the 3.30 bus saying they won’t be able to catch a taxi at 4pm.
  •     Too short to catch up when students have classes in the national campus , then going to CTEC for another class
  •     I only teach morning classes.
  •     Everything is fine
  •     Ok. Except 8:00 am classes.  Only few students show up on time
  •     I don't know.
  •     Moderate
  •     I am not familiar with the class hours at CTEC but I only get a few emails regarding missing the bus to make it on time to class. This mostly comes from my Tuesday Thursday classes. With this said, I think the class hours and bus schedules are good.
  •     The current schedule that was implemented over a decade ago provides extra time to cope with class preparation after the free period for all staff, faculty, and students.
  •     Ineffective
  •     Not at all.
  •     I only have morning classes and my current schedule is fine as it is.
  •     Not effective in terms of attendance.
  •     on a scale of 1 to 10 it is an eight (8) for with minor hiccups here and there.
  •     My classes are online so I am not affected. I will just give my own view here.
  •     As I do not have afternoon classes, there is no direct impact
  •     I have no opinion.
  •     I have the impression that this measure does not completely solve the problem.
  •     Good

What challenges are there with the current schedule?

  •     None really. Offering a 3pm or 4pm class is just as challenging as offering a 8am or 9am class.
  •     Time constraints m
  •     Students often arrive late for class.
  •     I do not have challenges on the schedule.
  •     I don't know.
  •     Some students have difficulty with the 10 am schwdule.
  •     None currently
  •     I would suggest CTEC to change their afternoon class schedules in order to comply with the current schedule and shuttle services from the National Campus to CTEC.
  •     Students coming to class late
  •     Students come to my class15 -20 minutes late.
  •     No challenges with the current schedule
  •     Many students don't show up.
  •     The major challenge is students are not managing time well, NOTE: I faced this challenge two semester's ago, so my remedy is this, whenever I register students and if I see that they have both National and CTEC classes, I either schedule all their National courses on MWF and CTEC on T,TH or vice versa...and this has helped.
  •     Students would be anxious of the next class. This distracts their concentration.  There should be a scheduling scheme - for instance, a national campus time would start at 2 pm and ends at 2:50 but a CTEC class would start at 3:15-4:05 something like that.
  •     None regarding the schedule for morning classes. Students in 8:00am classes sometimes arrive late citing a late arrival of the bus as the reason. But this is another issue.
  •     Regarding the present matter, the present schedule is fine with me.
  •     I have no opinion, but there was no mention in the above description as to why the 'administrative decision' was made to start classes at 10min after the hour.  It would good to know the reason for that.
  •     The bus has to travel from Kolonia to Palikir and vice versa. The bus may take more than 10 minutes to reach the destination. The best way is to advise students to avoid taking back-to-back classes in different campuses, schedule back-up buses in case of a break down in between Kolonia and Palikir, and more.


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