Acceleration day three: gravity

This laboratory followed the procedure used in prior terms.

The only change was that I opened with the Monday acceleration curve and omitted the Wednesday arc.

This was strictly an omission, but this worked well because lab three produces the same curve as Monday, not Wednesday.

Harriet, Darx working outside

One group opted to work outside this term.

Shirlyann times while Brenda records, Leemany holds the meter stick

Margarette records while Lomalinda and Hedweag work from one meter

Jasen drops from two meters while Kaylem times

Leemay, Shirlyann, Brenda work out their median times

Jazzlyn, Daniel, and Harriet

Jazzlyn, Daniel, and Harriet record data

Brenda waits for data while Lomalinda returns the ball

Mandalee drops and times while Chauncey holds the meter sticks, Lisa records data

Leila Marie records data taken by Lilly Rose

Mesenda and Louisa engaged in a two meter drop timing

Louisa dropping from four meters

After the drops the class wrapped up by averaging the accelerations of gravity. The published value was also obtained from Google. No error analysis was done - that has consistently confused the students and runs against the tenet that the facts are whatever the student has measured. Science is what can be proven in a laboratory. 


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