Fruit salad

Once again I overlooked consulting my prior notes - week eleven is some sort of local minima in the term. Staring at the Oregon blueberries in Ace Office something told me not to buy those, but I could not remember what. And in A1 Mart I overlook purchasing the pears and mangos. I did realize that bowls would work better than cupcake cups, but that was a decision made without consulting my own notes.  This term I realized I needed a hesperidium. And my notes reminded me to remove the width and span style tags in the main fruit table so that the table would reflow to the screen size of mobile devices.

Simple fruits: single ovary from single flower Fleshy fruits Berry: ovary wall soft at maturity avocado, banana, capsicum (red hot pepper), carambola (star fruit), coffee, grape, guava, kiwi, passion fruit, papaya, tomato, cherry, surinam cherry (teri), cranberry
Pepo: ovary wall a hard thick rind cantaloupe, cucumber, pumpkin, squash, watermelon, gourds. Some include banana and papaya here.
Hesperidium: leathery rind orange, lime, key lime, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, calamansi (calamondin), citrus
Drupe: hard inner layer almond, coconut (sometimes also listed as a nut), mango, peach, apricot. Some include walnuts and pecans.
Pome: ovary surrounded by edible tissus apple, pear
Dry fruits Dehiscent: pericarp splits on seams legume beans, peas
silique mustard
Indehiscent dry: pericarp does not split achene sunflower
grain rice, wheat
schizocarp carrot, celery
nut acorn, tahitian chestnut, walnut
Aggregate fruits: many ovaries from single flower custard apple, raspberries, soursop, sugar apple, strawberry
Multiple fruits: many ovaries from many flowers breadfruit, jackfruit, mulberry, noni, pandanus (also polydrupe), pineapple, strawberry, fig

I did not include dry fruit, I suppose a good fruit mix/trail mix might be a good add on in the future in this respect. 

This term I lucked into disposable chopsticks to replace toothpicks and snack tray skewers. I went with bowls and a slightly beefed up supply of fruit cocktails. This would prove to be more than enough for the 14 of 18 students present. Everyone was given one ladle of fruit, there was enough for a second ladle for all 14. This term I remembered the can opener. I also used a larger bowl than in prior terms.

A detail view of the fruit cocktail selection from Ace Office and A1 Mart. This selection would prove to be too heavy on pineapple. Students also noted that the pineapple juice masked the flavor of the other constituents. This term I forgot that the mango in a can at A1 Mart was found to be worthy. And the Americana fruit salad from Ace Office would prove to be bad in the can, taking grapes, cherries, and other western fruits out of the mix. The oranges were surprisingly good and the coconut gel provided a challenge for the students. The pear slices were good and, with the loss of the Americana fruit salad, a real necessity. There were some high end frozen fruit at Ace Office, but they were very expensive at 16.99 and 24.99 for a bag of flash frozen strawberries, raspberries. 

I did not realize that I had used these same bowls last spring, I had not previewed the prior blogs as I should have done. 

The Americana fruit salad was clearly discolored and smelled somewhere between sour and rank. I tossed both cans. 

The cans pictured filled the bowl. If classes ever returned to 28 students, then this would be insufficient. 

Before class I deleted out all width properties from the HTML in the table seen above and all of the span style properties. This allows the table to optimally display in Canvas, reflowing to any device. Above the table is seen on a Motorola Moto G60.

Above is the same table on a Cubot OS Tripltek tablet. This is part of the paper free aspect of the class. Students were to rely on their own tech to pull up the reference table. If they lacked tech, then they were asked to partner with someone who had tech. One student noted that they did not have Canvas on their phone. So I used their browser to open Canvas: Canvas is mobile browser friendly. 

Anastacia and Rindy

The yellow papaya also proved puzzling for the students. 

Reggie, Twindon-Lee, Reggie

Renvany, Aleina, Ladricia


Ladricia consults the assignment on her phone

Adelina and Myron

Adelina with a piece of nata de coco

Tommy, Richard, and Enoch


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