Canvas: Submitting assignments done in G Suite via Google LTI 1.3 using online: upload submission option

Note that this blog is not covering the use the external tool submission method for Google LTI 1.3 which generates a Google Assignments sandbox inside Instructure Canvas. This article covers submission via the Online: Upload method of submission in Canvas. 

This articles covers submitting an assignment done in Google Sheets on a G Suite for Education drive using a copy of a Google Sheets spreadsheet prepared by the instructor. This article is primarily intended  for those students using a laptop or desktop computer, but the second section of the article notes where mobile submissions using the Canvas student app differ. A video version of this information is also available.

Navigate to the assignment you want to work on and submit. Click on the blue link to the assignment seen in the image above.

[Edit added 2/27/2021: For instructors, in the link above if the word "edit" near the end of the link address is changed to "copy" then the link will automatically start the "Make a Copy" process. This ends all of the edit requests that come in with the above link. As noted by Google, this is the way to "Use SpeedGrader with Drive files in Canvas."]

The link opens the master template for the homework. You CANNOT edit this file. Do not try to edit this file. This file is the master copy that all students receive. If you try to edit the file, you will be asked to request access to the file. Do NOT request access: if you edit this file you will edit the file seen by all students. As in the image above, go to File: Make a copy. This will make a copy of the master file. Instructions for this and some of the subsequent steps differ if you are working on a mobile device such as a phone. Those screenshots will be included in a second section of the blog.

Either accept the default name or give the copy a unique name that you will recognize later when you submit the spreadsheet.

Work on the homework.

In this homework you insert a chart. Some students have expressed confusion at this point asking "Where is the plus sign?" Remember that the videos associated with MS 150 Statistics focus on the least capable technology: completing the course from a smartphone. Everything is less obvious on a smartphone. 

On a laptop or desktop a chart can be inserted from the Insert menu or from the chart icon in the menubar.

This is what a homework might look like while in progress.

Once the homework is done, switch back to the Canvas assignment tab.

Select Submit Assignment - click, tap, whatever input technology you are using.

There are four submission options. This article focuses on the third option. This option will work if you made your copy in your college G Suite drive. Thus far when I make a copy of the master file the file is automatically placed in the college G Suite drive, I am hoping that the same will be true for you. If you cannot locate your file in the G Suite drive you might have to use the fourth submission option.

On the extreme right side of the copy of the master spreadsheet one can see that my copy is in my college G suite account. 
The third option appears to permit switching accounts, although I do not know that the LTI will work with a personal Google Drive account. Because my copy is in my G Suite account, I click on Select file at this point.
Two files can be seen in the window above. That window scrolls to see more files, or a search for a file can be done. Note that the file thumbnail does not usually exactly match the actual file.

Scrolling down helps when sorting out which is the file you want to submit. This is where choosing a unique name for the copy could be helpful. Select the file and click on Add.
A dialog box will appear. Click on Attach.

Add any comments you might want to make.

This message always appears. Click on OK to dismiss this dialog box. 

Wait a moment, longer if you are on a slow Internet link, and you will be taken back to the assignment page. Note that resubmission is possible from here.

For reference, here is what I see as the instructor in SpeedGrader inside Canvas. Notice that the picture, which was under the chart, is now on top of the chart. This is a bug in the z-layering system of the PDF converter. The above image is a PDF conversion of the original file.

If I go back and move the graph away from the pictures...
... and then resubmit...
...through the process outlined above...
... I can resubmit...

... and the chart will no longer be covered by the image.

To see your homework and the comments made in the same screen, navigate back to the homework.

Click on Submission details.

Click on View Feedback

Wait for the viewer to load.

Comments are on the right, the submission can be seen in the scrolling pop up window. 

Mobile platform submission

As in the desktop browser, click on the blue link.

Note the dialog box at the bottom: you are in webview viewer for the file. Click on USE THE APP. 

I recommend using the college G Suite account. 

One the app opens you are viewing the master template for the homework and CANNOT edit this file. You must make a copy. Click on the vertical ellipsis three dot menu.

Click on Share & Export even though you are not intending to share or export the file. This is a nice example of confusing user interface design.

The next submenu has the item you want: Make a copy

The Google Sheets app will suggest the exact same name as the template file which will lead to confusing dialog boxes later on.

Make changes in the front end of the name so that you can identify this file later.

Earlier I mentioned the confusion of some students who were looking for the plus sign to add a chart. This is where the plus sign live: on mobile devices only. Those working on a laptop can just use the Insert menu.

Locate the chart away from the pictures. See above for why! Click on the green check mark at the upper left when done. 

Click on the left arrow at the upper left. This should bring you to the Google Sheets app file chooser screen.

In the Canvas student app you will have to upload the file as a PDF in order to submit the spreadsheet. Only in the above screen can you download the file to your phone for uploading. Use the vertical ellipsis three dot menu.

Choose Download.

With the spreadsheet downloaded, switch back to the Canvas student app.

Return to the assignment in the Canvas app. At the bottom click on Submit. Note that above the button says "Resubmit Assignment." This is because I just submitted the assignment twice on a laptop before taking this screenshot. The app remains in synch with actions done on the desktop.

There is no Google LTI 1.3 option here. Choose File Upload. 

Click on Device. 

You might have to navigate to where your phone stores the file. My phone stored the file in the downloads folder and the file is available at the upper left. Select the file by tapping on it. That automatically triggers upload on my phone. Note that the file must be a PDF.

Click on Submit if you have selected the correct file.

The chosen file will upload. And then the party begins.


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