Changes in latitude

SC 130 Physcial Science continued exploring latitude and longitude in laboratory 072. The laboratory centered on the mathematical relationship between minutes of latitude and distance in meters.
Walking a line of longitude northbound

Some students used GPS units to walk the a  line of longitude north. The eight o'clock section walked the E 158° 09.570' line of longitude from N 6 °54.470 to N 6 °54.593. A surveyor's wheel put the distance at 243 meters.
 Alwihter rolls the surveyor's wheel

The eleveno'clock section walked the E 158° 09.569' line of longitude from N 6 °54.462 to N 6 °54.602. A surveyor's wheel put the distance at 284 meters. 

 Jesse and Bersin navigating

The power went off after eleven, thus the 11:00 section did not utilize Google Earth.
 David reads out his final latitude

The 11:00 section chose to cross the entrance road. Coupled with a start slightly further south than the eight o'clock class, the students obtained a longer run of the line of longitude.The data for both sections is available in a Google Docs spreadsheet.
The surveyor's wheel is alwaize popular. Mercy, Nancy, and Leslie


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