Statistics week three and charts

Monday opened with more coverage of Moodle prior to covering charts. 

Wednesday morning I wore black and blue over a green t-shirt. 

Wednesday began with more coverage of Moodle followed by the working of homework 3.1. Then favorite colors was done. I gave a student a covered piece of paper with the color blue, black, green, and then red. Last term I was wrong, "To say I failed is an understatement. Not only did black best blue this term, but a new color leapt into the top four, one that sits solidly down in seventh place on the all time list." That new color was white. "While white improved its position, white trails purple by 21 students overall. That is a large margin for a color to overcome," I wrote in fall 2024. How wrong I was. White is the new black. 

White takes the top spot for the first time in the recorded history of this exercise since summer 2007.  Blue and black tied during an in class count, but after class a fifth black was found, bringing the order to white, black, blue, and red. Which was the color of my unseen underwear, hardly counting as I cannot prove this. 

Friday moved into ratio level histograms. 

T-shirt companies take note: white is the new black. Until white cracks the top four, however, I will have to follow the long term statistics. Blue and black still remain chart toppers, and that seems unlikely to change. 


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