MS 150 Statistics midterm quick look

An installment in an ongoing set of reports on the first run of MS 150 Statistics online... Test three, the midterm, was made available to students at 5:00 PM on Thursday evening the 19th and was submittable until 8:00 AM Monday the 22nd of June. The results were on par with the first two tests, with the average down an insignificant amount: Test one Test two Test three midterm 0.81 0.80 0.79 Of concern remains the nonsubmission rate on tests. I have students who simply cannot seem to get work turned in unless they have seven days to get the work done, and even then some work is unsubmitted. I remain concerned, however, that extending the time frame to take a test could compromise the test. Three and half days including a weekday evening (Thursday evening), a schedule that has been true for all three tests, feels like that should be sufficient time. Yet each Monday morning I have notes from students, often the same students, who want additional time. These students, ho...