Floral litmus solutions

This term I began Monday with Hydrogen including the detour through deuterium and tritium in order to explain the fractional atomic mass. From there I went into orbitals (sharp, principal, diffuse, fundamental as an ascending odd number of orbitals) and electron spin. I wrapped up with lithium and hydrogen pairing to fill the 1s orbital shell via sharing. On Wednesday I headed into compounds, but I changed my diagrams to drop the circular orbitals model. I ended on H+ and OH- ions. For Thursdays lab I again picked up fresh baking soda, finding a mini-box for ninety cents at Yoshie. The lime tree had limes, and there was a single Spathoglottis plicata in bloom in the front yard that supplied flowers. Only the hydrogen peroxide is running low and could replacement. Perhaps vinegar too. I used a print out of last term's board to organize my notes. This lab is always somewhat conceptually confusing for the students, I find that gettin...