
Showing posts from February, 2025

9.2 Paper aircraft flight distance

This term was the first term with the new health center walkway in place. Not to mention the health center building. The walkway is out around 25 meters away. Passing rain showers were moving through. The Salomon Genesis GTX shoes, however, have kept my feet dry on sodden ground. The shoes have changed my calculus of whether this activity can go forward. A towel was also brought along against the event of rain. Rain hit only as I picked up the final few aircraft.  The 1270 is the number five fold dart.  The dart has been useful in pushing up the standard deviation, but the dart could use retiring.  The dart is an outlier and removal might improve the symmetry of the distribution. Exploration of the ten aircraft sample suggests that the bimodality is inherent in this sample. The use of a bucket width of 300 yields a uniform 3-3-3 distribution minus the 1270 value, other values are bimodal.  Desmos was used to illustrate ...

Food presentations in ethnobotany

Uht mwehl (banana any starchy food cooked with coconut milk) Nakisha and Sinae presenting uht mwehl. Jayleen prepared an entertaining video on the production of uht dumwadumw. Dumwadumw refers to hyperactive children according to the dictionary.  One connotation is that one's children will be excited to eat this dish. Another connotation invokes the hand motion required to produce uht dumwadumw. Cathleen and Kimora presented a refreshing coconut drink made from sprouted coconut core. The sprouted coconut is known as dalok in Mwoakillese, pahr in Pohnpeian.  Fiona from Satawal and Cassandra from Houk presenting a Yapese and Chuukese outer island staple, hard taro. Bulag gatip (Woleaian), tipi arúng (Houkese), puna aeriung (Satawalese).  Hercly (Woleai), Fiona (Satawal), Cassandra (Houk). Mwahng uter or taro balls are a favorite albeit heavy snack food and a worthy si...

Arcminutes to meters laboratory with cell phones

Heavy rain the night before, 3.8 centimeters, left the ground sodden. Passing pressure front rain showers led to use of the dining hall sidewalk at 8:00.  View to the east with passing rain showers.  Starting location at the dining hall. This term I opted not to subtract the starting value of 0.516 arcminutes. This meant that the result would not be a direct relationship and a y-intercept would be necessary. The 09 minutes was discarded, but in the 11:00 the 54 minutes would be retained in the table.  Note that this term the decimal minutes were not set to zero at the start. This generated a y-intercept.  In another adjustment the tape measure was used to directly measure ten meter segments. The use of the tape measure proved propitious. At the end of the class I could measure off 0.001 arcminutes using the metric tape measure. This was effective. Ensalyn with the tablet, Arleen recor...

8.2 Distribution of sample means and the standard error of the mean

Once again I turned to the distribution of samples of marbles and used their masses to demonstrate the distribution of sample means.  I distributed 60 marbles with a mean marble mass of 5.1417 grams per marble (determined post hoc). I gave five marbles each to 12 students in the class.  Spreadsheet I then went around and obtained the mass of every marble. For each of the 12 students I had a spreadsheet that calculated their sample mean. I did not preset the names, those were entered during the class. The twelve students were those that were on time, late arrivals were not given marbles. 12 students and 60 marbles was two students and ten marbles more than the prior term, but the measurements were still finished at 9:18.  Post hoc I added the above section to reinforce that the point estimate of a population mean is whatever the sample mean is for a sample. And that will be wrong. The fifth line is for Friday, those are 95% confidence interval lower and upper b...

GPS Hide and Seek

A nadir in preparation. Forgot that I deleted GPS Essentials from the Pixel. Couldn't get GPS Essentials to switch location format either offline or online. The interface was being balky. Rainy day. No umbrella. Forgot the problem isn't wetness. It is typing in the rain. Sheesh. Umbrella a must for inclement conditions so I can type without raindrops firing off random letters or apps. The view from my hide was nonexistent. The hide was drippy wet in continuously passing rain showers. I had walked into the forest on a rebuild of the old river run trail but had no signal down the slope. So I circled back to the east and upslope until I reached a curious mound.  I was inside a Hibiscus tiliaceus thicket. I had trouble setting up the mailing list, I hadn't preset a mail in drafts for sending. And the Moodle app cannot send to an entire class. I had to come out to the browser version. In the rain. Messages were not sent until 12:01 with the Moodle message...

Botany lab 07 celery xylem conduction

Last year this laboratory was a fail. Little to no conduction.This year changes in the procedure created results that outperformed expectations.. The starting place was three bundles of celery. Two old bundles that looked battered, brown spotted, and dead. Concerned that the celery was no good, a third bundle was picked up from A1mart, one that was bright green and floppy. The floppiness was concerning, but this would prove to be ideal. The floppiness was due to dehydration. The fresh green color was indicative of the celery still being viable. When put into food dyed water, these stalks very quickly took up the dyed water. A decision was made to switch to Erlenmeyer flasks and a single stack per pair. 109 ml of water in each. Dye was poured in: the red food color dye did not have a nozzle. Rulers, paring knives.  Cutting was done underwater on a cutting. Only the bottom was cut. The tops were left intact. Cuts were made on a shallow diagonal ang...