Weather and climate week

Monday opened with the usual weather sites and terminology coverage.

The Nissan made a return to the parking lot for the first time this term 

The climate change playlist was updated with an altered focus. A new Curiosity Stream video on the environmental effects of climate change led the list. That was followed by a recent documentary, Inside Vanuatu: A country being lost to rising levels by channel 4 news. The video was told from the point of view of 24-year-old Grace Malie, a Rising Nations Initiative youth delegate for Tuvalu. I felt that this video would connect better than the usual string of science videos. I then let a pre-existing video in the list wrap up with a report on record breaking heat. 

This term a new song titled Clouds led off the Thursday clouds playlist. Another new addition was a recent StarTalk video on clouds that was used to preface the 8:00 AM class, essentially a stall to buy time for other students to arrive as the video covers the material seen in later videos on the playlist. That said, Neil deGrasse Tyson held the students attention - perhaps this is format familiar to them, the video podcast. And the explanation was well done. Entertaining in a way science videos never are. That said, the video was dropped for 11:00 because of the addition of presentation on how to do the revised part two of the assignment. 

The board with terms from the videos.

Rather than have the students submit three photographs, I used the botany class approach for flowers to teach the students how to label an image and reduce the image size for inclusion in a presentation. This was mashed up in roughly 20 minutes between the two laboratories - so the 8:00 class never saw this. Ultimately the labeled images are probably overkill as the slides can be titled, something I did not think about as I crashed the presentation together. Still, the goal is tech skills. Maybe that becomes the laboratory, but the students seem to enjoy coloring. It changes the tone of the class. 

Mirabella, Emylia






Nakisha and Sinae

Joann and Angelica

Jemara, Dantez, Darla, Morgianna

Denny-Ray, Shawn Dee, Delailah, Brian

Friday is set for a quick look at the revised cloud images assignment, ENSO, and typhoons of Pohnpei and Kosrae. Both were updated. ENSO has to be updated to current data, and typhoons added information from Buck's Island of Angels on the Kosraean typhoons. 


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