Canvas: Convert hyphens in grade book to zeroes or excused prior to import into student information system

In my ethnobotany class I have assignments such as in-class presentations that are not submitted in Canvas. For these assignments I manually enter the student's score. For these items there is a difference between a non-entry, a null entry, and an excused absence in the values shown in the MyShark import, a difference that is not directly visible in the grade book in Canvas. First a couple of Canvas definitions. In Canvas the Current Score is what is displayed in the Canvas grade book as the student's current overall grade. In the grade book where there is a hyphen for an assignment grade, that assignment is not counted against the student for purposes of calculating the Current Score. The Current score is calculating the total points earned to date by the student divided by the total possible to date for those same assignments. Assignments which do not have a score entered do not count against the student. This is as it should be, the grade book is showing the current standi...