Canvas page views week 15

 Future retrospectives will be puzzled by the variability in page views seen late in the spring 2023 term.

The drop in page views in week 13 was due to spring break coinciding with FSM culture day at the end of week 12, college founding day on the Monday of week 13, and a faculty development workshop on Tuesday. This was followed by spring break. Page views on Instructure Canvas came back up in week 14, then in week 15 tropical depression 01W, later tropical storm Sansu, shut down the national and CTEC campuses on Thursday. Both campuses saw very low enrollment the next day. 

The result was a drop in page views on Thursday and Friday of week 15. 

Of note this past week was the release of New Analytics in the admin console for Canvas. This is actually being run on Looker, which was acquired by Google and which is what this author has been using to produce dashboards. 


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