Fruit salad

This term Aone Mart and Ace Office Supply provided the necessary fruit salad ingredients. The coconut gel and pear slices came from Aone. I think the pineapple chunks and two cans on the right might also have come from Aone. The Essential peach slices, Essential fruit cocktail, Dole tropical fruit, and Dole mandarin orange slices came from Ace Office. The cocktail picks were perfect and came from Ace Office along with the bowls. There were enough left over bowls that the new bowl set was not tapped. The cans of fruit were purchased on Tuesday, 48 hours ahead of the class. They all fit into a box that was put in the refrigerator on Tuesday. Thursday morning the bowl, ladle, and can opener were also put in the refrigerator. The glass bowl was larger than that used in past terms. The coconut gel is in the bowl. I probably should have arrived earlier and set up the bowls in advance. I wound up dishing out fruit in real time with students present, which prevented a systematic loading of the...