Latitude and longitude

On Monday I introduced latitude and longitude. For some students this is review, but for a surprising number there is simply no prior knowledge. They have heard of the equator as a word and concept, along with the north and south poles, but beyond that there is no familiarity with latitude and longitude. Bringing the concepts home onto campus no student is certain which way latitude and longitude run in the classroom. The few who ventured to answer suggested that some run up and down, some run right and left. No one realized that they form a two dimensional horizontal grid in the classroom, nor which runs which way. The location of the prime meridian was also unknown, although once I mentioned the name Greenwich a couple students recognized the term. I did not get the impression that anyone knew that Greenwich was a neighborhood in London, England. Wednesday was set up so that in case of rain we would watch one of the Men of Rock videos, probably the second in the series. In case of g...