Healing plants

Tesiwo "TM" reported on the use of Curcuma longa (tumeric ginger) in the treatment of constipation. Both the rhizome and leaves are pounded and then squeezed into fresh coconut milk. The resulting fluid is used as an enema via the hollow petiole of a papaya leaf. Over the years treatments for diarrhea far outnumber treatments for constipation, the former being perhaps more common in the heat and humidity of the tropics.

Constipation can cause irritation of the sphincter. This can be treated with the juice of lime leaves applied as a salve.

James reported that the fruit of Morinda citrifolia, nopwur in Chuukese, is consumed to prevent the nausea associated with seasickness.

Artinlee described an immune system boosting tea made from shiishii (Phymatosorus scolopendria).

Rumihna noted that the inner bark of the lemon tree is used to make a tea for shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

Blossom brought in a young, new banana leaf that was still rolled up. The leaf is used as a wrap on skin that has been sunburned.

Benjamin reported on the use of Volkameria inermis, ilau, to treat asthmatic conditions. The leaves are crushed and added to coconut oil, then wrapped around the neck with a dry towel. The symptoms of flus and colds can be treated using Volkameria inermis and Piper ponapense used in an herbal steam bath known as umwulap.

Jeranimo brought in Melastoma malabathricum, pisetikimei, and noted that the flower buds are used to treat shingles, known locally as kil sarawi. The crush buds are applied to the shingles.

Paul detailed the use of Ageratum conyzoides, pwisehn kou (pwisehn koau) leaves to staunch blood flow from a wound or cut.

Jordan described the use of root bulb scrapings from Crinum asiaticum, kiepw, to relieve the pain of a centipede bite.

Nazalyna covered the use of Annona muricata, soursop, sawsaw in Yapese, leaves and hot water to treat fever. She also noted that the seeds and white part from a ripe fruit are used to treat hair and eliminate hair lice.

Joyner brought in Premna obtusifolia and explained its use in treating headaches. The leaves are pounded and then placed in a cloth for squeezing. The juice is squeezed into hot/warm water and then the headache suffered bathes in the infusion.

Darall brought in Centella asiatica and noted the use of juice squeezed from the leaves to treat gout.

Travis noted that the leaf of Piper methysticum can be used to staunch blood flow from a cut.

Collin brought in Citrus aurantifolia, beleni in Kapinga, and covered the use of lime leaf tea in treating coughs.

Christian brought in lime juice and noted the use for treating coughs due to colds.

Kimmy brought in Scaevola taccada ssp. sericea and described the use of the juice of the ripe, white fruit to treat pinkeye.

Danielle noted that Citrus aurantifolia leaves can be used in an umwulap to treat colds and flus.

Jain explained a treatment for soumwahu en naniak. Soumwahu en naniak translates roughly as "mangrove sickness" and can be considered a culture bound syndrome.  Soumwahu en naniak is of a spiritual origin with symptoms including joint pain, an accompanying headache, stomach ache, and backache. The intensity of the illness is said to vary with the height of the tides, with the most severe symptoms at high tide. Jain noted that the rhizome of Davallia solida is pounded with other unspecified leaves and then squeezed into water to produce an infusion that is consumed for eight days.

Elena brought in a papaya leaf. The leaf, when added to an herbal steam bath, aids in the relief of headache.

Dickenson covered the use of coconut tree roots, the small ones, to treat toothache. The rootlet is pounded and applied to the area of pain in the mouth.

Joaquin covered the Pingalapese treatment for joint swelling and pain. The trunk of one banana, wis, is pounded and added to a basin of water. Soaking the joint in the water will reduce the swelling, promote healing, and reduce pain.


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