Banana patch weed whacking and identification

The banana patch is simply the best demonstration garden for aggressive invasive species that Palikir has to offer. Clidema hirta, Cheilocostus speciosus, and Spathodea campanulata are the primary invasives. Shade tolerant, aggressive, and possibly allelopathic.

Kayleen surrounded by Clidemia hirta

This particular activity serves the Agriculture and Natural Resource Program learning outcome number two, students will be able to demonstrate basic competencies in the management of land resources and food production. This program learning outcome is served by course learning outcome number three, students will be able to demonstrate basic field work competencies related to management of culturally useful plant resources and foods. Which is the case of the class today was banana plants.

Nayme cleaning a banana tree


The invasives and lack of regular visits by the class inveigh against consistent production

Mailyn, surrounded by invasive species, proved capable with a machete

Mailyn and Ashlyn

Jacqueline and Annielisa


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