Lycophyte and monilophyte hike

This term the sequencing in ethnobotany is slightly different to accommodate a day one in the computer laboratory. The class continues to use Edmodo as the grade book, and the grade book will not instantiate until an on line exercise is submitted by students. In Edmodo think, you are not a teacher unless you give assignments AND students respond to those assignments.

This put ethnogardening on day two and banana patch cleaning on day three. Day four was done in the style of recent years - zero class room time, launch at 3:30 sharp. As usual, we lost about four or five who came late and could not find the class. In modern Twitterese, #Fail.

I aimed through the parking lot to pick up a couple students who went ahead to drop book bags, and thence to the coral sand volleyball area where I could make a brief stop to re-introduce Nostoc. Day one I had brought Nostoc to class, so this was recoverage.

I then took a line paralleling the road, which allowed us to pick up Davallia solida early in the hike. I should also try harder to pick up Microsorum scolopendria on this leg as kideu in the sun is more likely to have sori.

Walking the tree line where Davallia solida can be found. Arlen and Rico on lead.

 Monaliza and Merlina cross the FSM-China Friendship Center lot.

Leona and Hanae in the sun on the ridge line. Carie-Ann seeks shelter from the nuclear fusion furnace in the sky. Senioreen behind Carie-Ann. I did warn the students that they could learn to appreciate hikes in the rain.

Sother Junior would continue to prove knowledgeable in the meaning of the plants around him.

Asplenium laserpitiifolium L. Japanese name: Okinawa-sida

Along the trail.

Role was called at about 4:30 under the Angiopteris evecta, locally known as peiwed and poaiwed. In Yapese, m'ong. Arlen and Merlina remain on the lead.


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