Engrade administrative stub data at a glance December 2013

A glance at a few "dashboard" metrics for the end of the fall 2013 term in Engrade. Twenty-two instructors served 862 students in 61 classes.

Engrade was first used spring 2013. Including summer 2013, this is the third term of Engrade usage. Note that at least one instructor was still not setting the term to 2013 GP3 and thus there is data under the default 2013-2014 GP3. While summer terms see stronger academic performances by the students, fall 2013 saw a return to the essentially the same performance distribution as spring 2013. Note that the green bars are students above 80%, yellow is 60 to 79%, and the red segments are below 60%.

Engrade encodes capital P for present, capital A for absent, and capital T for tardy (late). Engrade's attendance screen is case sensitive. While Engrade encodes for P, A, T, faculty are not constrained to use P, A, and T. The result is a wide range of attendance choices and notes. The capital E, for example, is used by this author to denote "Excused absence." Other instructors chose to use Ex and EX. Some codes are more obscure such as "No C" and "No M". 

Given the wide range of data entry choices, producing meaningful summary data is fraught with difficulties. That said, a rough cobbling together of numbers suggests an absenteeism rate of about 13%. That represents about five to six absences in a 45 attendance day term.

If you are an instructor at the College of Micronesia-FSM and do intend to use Engrade for the first time spring 2014, please do get in touch with me. Getting you set up correctly is much easier than trying to fix some of the issues that may arise later.  862 students had logins generated for them this fall. Setting up a class without being linked to the administrative hub as a college instructor will lead to complications for your students, complications I can often but not always fix. 


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