Hard parts and lift arm pins
Hard parts are good to find, especially ag hard parts. All the good stuff is at Blain's Farm & Fleet.

And when you've lost a nut off your lift arm pin, causing the bolt to get all chewed up, there is a full selection of pretty golden hued shiny lift arm pins with nuts and lock washers at dirt cheap prices.

"Elverum Lodge No. 338, Sons of Norway, was organized in the Village of
Blanchardville in the year of 1927. It was an active organization during its
existence and had a large membership. It sponsored 17th of May programs
including parades in Norse costumes." - A History Of Blanchardsville, Gem Of The Pecatonica

Blanchardville in the year of 1927. It was an active organization during its
existence and had a large membership. It sponsored 17th of May programs
including parades in Norse costumes." - A History Of Blanchardsville, Gem Of The Pecatonica
The plaque on the log cabin notes its construction in 1933 by the Sons of Norway, Elverum Lodge 338.
I had boy scout meetings in the log cabin and drank water from the fountain on its outside back wall but never knew of its orgins until NOW . . . Thanks.
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Glad I could be of help! I am only briefly up this way, I am heading back to Micronesia in a week.