Clearing trails, whacking weeds
The kids cleared sticks and light branches off of pale yellow and portions of green.
Meanwhile I became better acquainted with my inner lumber jack, tackling chain saw activities for neophytes. By the end of the summer my landscaping resume should be all buffed up. Sign me up for the grounds crew!
I cleared two small trees that had fallen, one on pale yellow and the other on green. I also weed whacked northern purple from cardio hill to the end of the third pasture.
Cut branches on a tree on pale yellow.
The last length of purple was more problematic. The first 50% could be cleared by the weed whacker alone, but the last 50% has a nasty combination of downed limbs, downed trees, thorn bushes, and scrub. While I could reopen the lost stretch, that section of purple simply parallels the pasture road (tan). Barb says teal and brown trails are open, but she thinks silver is solid bramble and may have downed branches. A trip to silver will have to wait for another day.
The white lines are an electric fence. The weeds under the fence ground out the fence, hence the need to whack under the whole length of the fence. We really need a support strap for the whacker!
Shrue and I took turns whacking weeds, she was also my Kosraean topang when I was chain sawing trees.
Tomorrow is expected to be rainy and wet, so a trip to Madison has been slotted.
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