Pohnpei Ladies Club Fun Run
The Pohnpei Ladies Club fun run featured a first for Pohnpei running: two routes. For the walkers a roughly three kilometer jaunt up Kaselehlie to Elenieng, down to the Nett estuary past Pohnpei campus, northwest along the waterfront to Mesenieng, and back up to Spanish wall ball field. The runners went up Kaselehlie turning right headed for Mapusi on the weather station hill bypass. A right onto the circumferential road and then forking left up into Dolihner towards the Dolihner water tank. A left back down to Pohnpei Island Central School and then a straight shot back to Spanish wall ball field over weather station hill.
The new route was a refreshing change and is a favorite route of mine. Topping weather station hill one can see clear to the finish line, something not possible on a Palm Terrace start-finish run. Seeing the runners out in front strung out along Kaselehlie is both exhilarating and self-challenging. This also makes the final 500 meters all downhill and straight. At least one runner went down on wet pavement when a race to the finish hit speeds not possible on a Palm Terrace finish.
The route duplicates the "up" route off of a Palm Terrace five kilometer run which puts the distance at 4.93 kilometers by GPS. I usually finish right around 30 minutes, with beating 30 minutes something that takes some effort. Against the day that I run a 5k elsewhere, I try to ensure that I am running the full distance. To do this, I added a run over to the commission and back to the start as seen above. I finished in 28:12.
The night had included heavy rain, and the start was under drippy, gray, dark skies. This may have impacted attendance. I finished sixth on the five kilometer route, with my daughter about 700 meters behind me.
My son finished second on the three kilometer route in a duel for first place with a classmate of his. After the run I had a quick turn-around in order to get to my Saturday morning class.

The new route was a refreshing change and is a favorite route of mine. Topping weather station hill one can see clear to the finish line, something not possible on a Palm Terrace start-finish run. Seeing the runners out in front strung out along Kaselehlie is both exhilarating and self-challenging. This also makes the final 500 meters all downhill and straight. At least one runner went down on wet pavement when a race to the finish hit speeds not possible on a Palm Terrace finish.
The route duplicates the "up" route off of a Palm Terrace five kilometer run which puts the distance at 4.93 kilometers by GPS. I usually finish right around 30 minutes, with beating 30 minutes something that takes some effort. Against the day that I run a 5k elsewhere, I try to ensure that I am running the full distance. To do this, I added a run over to the commission and back to the start as seen above. I finished in 28:12.

The night had included heavy rain, and the start was under drippy, gray, dark skies. This may have impacted attendance. I finished sixth on the five kilometer route, with my daughter about 700 meters behind me.

My son finished second on the three kilometer route in a duel for first place with a classmate of his. After the run I had a quick turn-around in order to get to my Saturday morning class.

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