From Canvas to Moodle
Migration There is no option to migrate from Instructure Canvas to Moodle by exporting courses from Canvas and importing those courses into Moodle. Canvas exports courses as Instructional Management Systems Common Cartridge version 1.1 files. Moodle only imports IMS Common Cartridge 1.0 files. The versions are incompatible and as far as this author is aware there are no converters between the versions. IMSCC 1.0 is a 2008 standard and IMSCC 1.1 dates back to 2011 or earlier. In other words, both versions are out of date. The current version is IMSCC 1.3 and IMSCC 1.4 is under development. Neither Instructure nor Moodle appear to be working on code to handle any newer IMS CC version. The inability to easily move courses between learning management systems benefits vendor lock in. As a result, migration is a heavy lift manual process of rebuilding element-by-element from a blank sheet. Or one can pay a third party significant sums of money to handle the migration. T...