Student evaluations summer 2024

Summer 2024 student evaluations featured a new ratings response order Student evaluations of instructor, course, and course materials provide guidance for the institutions on areas of relative strengths and areas where there may be room for improvement. Bearing in mind that old data is not usefully actionable data, the intent of this report is to convey broad themes emerging in the evaluations to decision makers as rapidly as possible. This report presumes familiarity with the student evaluations form in use at the institution. The responses were converted to numeric values: Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree As a preface, results this term are not directly comparable to prior terms. Data from the past five terms showed that a significant number of students mark the same response to all of the prompts. These students are marking all fives, or all fours, and in some instances, all ones, in response to every rating prompt. These are termed "straights" in t...