Student evaluation form comments fall 2022

The student evaluation numeric survey sections of strongly agree to strongly disagree provide numeric averages for each metric. While these numeric values help identify areas of relative strength and weakness, they do not always provide insight into how to change a value. One can see that a value is lower than other values, but why that value is lower may not be clear. The comments on the evaluation can sometimes help provide information on why a value is stronger or weaker. Of most interest are areas of weakness so that those might be addressed. The survey had comments for each of the three main sections: instructor, course, and course materials. The comments for each section were aggregated under general areas of concern. Although over 800 evaluations were submitted, many students chose not to make any comments. The most common comments were along the lines of "everything was good" or "none" as in "no comments." The broader picture is that in general stu...