A healing plants walk in Paies

Tuesday the class went on a healing plant walk into Paies. The new campus fencing system is still incomplete - the generator driveway gate remains unlocked. This allowed the class to take the yellow path rather than the longer red path. The gate was simply open. This was one of the walks for which the Tripltek was purchased on my path to operating paperfree. This walk often occurs under rainy, wet conditions, and having waterproof technology is necessary. I usually carry a paper copy of a language cross-reference for the plants on this walk. This term the list was electronically shared to the students and I had a copy open on the Tripltek. I was also able to carry and access the flora and the class roster. For reference I also had a copy of the text open to chapter three in a tab. The walk began by heading down to the Scaevola taccada, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Premna obtusifolia, and Volkameria inermis. I covered "why are plants medicinal" at this first locatio...