Canvas page views deeper dive week eleven spring 2022

Page views are perhaps the only easily available proxy for platform engagement that is surfaced by Instructure Canvas. Platform engagement can be seen in turn as a proxy for participation. There are 1137 students in 115 courses and 45 faculty active on the platform as of week eleven. Total page views spring 2022 to date shows a pattern similar to that seen last fall, with the vertical offset being due to more students being on the platform spring 2022. Spring 2022 peaked in week three with 1224 students on the platform and is now down by 87 students to 1137 students, a loss of 7.1%. Fall 2021 had 956 students on the platform in week three and dropped to 887 by week eleven, a loss of 7.2%. The drop in the number of students reflects withdrawals from courses. Students can withdraw with a "W" up to the end of week ten. That the two percentages are almost equal suggests that the loss rate might be a stable percentage term-on-term. The same data with the spring 2022 v...