Floral litmus solutions and site swap notation

Laboratory thirteen As of 8:10 the room remained empty Diosticka looks for color change for a known acid, lime fruit, and a known base, baking soda Fanney and Rita Mae have moved on to testing unknown substances Fanney Fanney adds an unknown, Destiny records results Leona compares the color change due to an acid to the original flower color Joyner records data Diosticka with floral litmus solution Rita Mae makes notes Fanney, Rita Mae, Diosticka and the table of unknowns Rita Mae, Diosticka, Fanney, Destiny Jayleen and Jeannette test their floral litmus solution for reaction to a known base Cassandra, Eboni, and Trisane compare results for unknowns. Cassandra records results. Chance, Wadel Likaksa Jr., and Wenry Dawson work on identifying unknowns Jayleen with floral litmus solution Jeannette with original color, acidic solution, and basic solution. Holidays this term prevented "laboratory 14" from happening. Thus site swap notation was the last laboratory. I beg...