Physci science spring 2021 through seventh week

The spring term 2021 was slated to be a hybrid term with online lectures and in residence laboratory sections. Knowing that I could use the first residential laboratory section as a technology training session, I had planned an Instructure Canvas pilot deployment. Then island events impinged and the first two weeks of the term saw complete closure of the campus, no residential section. The solid rocket boosters were already lit on the pilot project, there was no option but to hang on for a rough launch. A launch that would run into a domain name system misconfiguration and an internet service provider upstream which allegedly blacklisted the asymmetric digital subscriber line route to Singapore. In other words, a rough launch with turbulence. A dedicated and brilliant team on the ground here and at Canvas, however, worked the issues and found solutions. Laboratory one was done as at home exercise by the students, as guided by a video . These reports would trickle in only after the seco...