Ethnogardening images

For cleaning up the area southeast of the gym, I turned the camera over to a student so I could focus on finding plants amid the paddle grass (ischaemum polystachyum) and covering plant names with the students in preparation for the field final examination. The following are images captured that afternoon by Lavonna. She was under instructions to ensure that the images could be used to reconstruct attendance. Lavonna was, naturally, not in the pictures. Dana, Henry, Rayden The Myristica fragrans was again lost in the tall grass. Finding the plant was more challenging than before as the geometry of the Senna alata is changing. Myristica fragrans at 6.909, 158.157 [6°54'32.4"N 158°09'25.2"E] Rosalyn Marigold Lefreeancy Nette, Rayden Keona Myra Lefreeancy Nette Rodman, the most capable in tall grass Lefreeany, Rosalyn Myra Rodrigo Henry, Ian Yoma Keona Jayme Leeron Nett...