Cyanobacteria, moss, lycophytes, and monilophytes walk and talk

This term the primitive plants walk was pushed back behind the assigning of groups for the presentations on the primitive plants. The intent is to give groups more preparation time and a chance to focus in on their plant in the wild. This year featured a newly revised handout on the ferns and lycopodium of Palikir. I did not expect to see peipei aramas, but I knew that sometimes I stumbled on it in the field, so I tossed it on the list at the last minute. For good measure I added peipei eni as well. Weather conducive to fern finding The shortening of add drop a couple years ago meant that I could not end the hike down in the valley, standing in the rain in the swamp with the words, "If you do not like this experience, you should return to the office of admissions and records and drop this class." I am not aware of any student ever taking up the offer. This was possible because students had the length of the first week to add and drop courses, leading to tremendous chur...